1. Assignment Type: Individual
  2. Estimated time required: 60 minutes
  3. Due one week after class at the beginning of class

Class is graded on a curve.

Students earn 7 points simply by showing on time and up ready to learn.  

You earn more points by improving the classroom experience in a memorable way.  Some examples include:

  1. Asking thoughtful, relevant questions
  2. Helping out your fellow classmates
  3. Fully engaging in the hands-on activities

You lose points by degrading the classroom experience.  Some examples are:

  1. Showing up late
  2. Distracting others from learning
  3. Being absent…etc.

If you find yourself being a bit shy, we strongly encourage you to get out of your comfort zone in this class.  However, you can earn some points by contributing here, online in our class Bcourses Course Page. 

Examples are:

  1. Providing constructive feedback on the lecture
  2. Starting a constructive off-line discussion about topics covered in class
  3. Engaging with the material external to class in some way

Key here is use your creativity.  These were the most obvious examples we could come up with quickly.  We strongly encourage you to come up with your own unique and innovative ways to expand the classroom experience.  We will do what we can to integrate concepts that are liked by your peers, our peers and the educational community at large.